Evaluation and Reflection

Evaluation and Reflection Page: 

04-03/24 - 08/03/24: 

this week I have been thinking more and more about what to do for my FMP and I've finally decided I will do a website and poster as my final project. today I'm making a prototype poster and have made a survey on my project so that I can receive feedback from others on my ideas and also hear what they have to say on what I could change or could add before I make the final product. since my FMP is on the theme of Identity I want my poster and website to have the same color scheme and message along with being aimed towards a demographic of young -people who haven't found themselves an identity or who are wondering who they should be which is why I thought of the idea to have older and wiser people passing down knowledge to those who need it on who they should be and how they can shape an identity for themselves. 

on Thursday my course and the gaming course went to Sky Academy to have a look at where the news, sports, and most media are filmed and produced along with creating our own news segment by using the studios available and with help from the people showing us around that day. 

this week I feel like we are shifting gears into properly starting to make our FMP since I am now starting to experiment with Photoshop by creating a makeshift poster that will be the basis for my final poster when I start to create my website and finish my project. so far I'm glad with what I have done and I am looking forward to hopefully making some big adjustments next week and hopefully getting onto brainstorming my website layout and design and finishing any primary or secondary research necessary to benefit my FMPs theme of Identity. 

11/03/24 - /15/03/24: 

This week i have started to experiment with Photoshop by creating some mock-up posters and a prototype website design to showcase what i will make for the product and what the theme, message and style of my FMP will be regarding the theme of identity. 

if i had to give any criticism i would say i should focus on one style and colour scheme for both my poster and website since both posters have contradicting colour schemes and styles. 

this one showcases an identity crisis with all the cracks around the figure's body and the one below shows a perfect-looking statue figure with thought bubbles that include inspirational quotes on identity and being yourself. 

I also made a Pecha Kucha this week which detailed what my FMP was about and what research i was going to do for it and showed off my proposal and experimentation along with anything else i had done up to this point for my FMP. I'm hoping that next week now that most of the research has been completed and that I've now experimented with making a few prototypes for my Final product i can start making my final product and consider thinking how to distribute it so i can get good feedback when its finished. 

Pecha Kucha Feedback: 20/03/24

today some of us presented our pecha kuchas and received feedback on them after we had shown everyone our proposal and everything in it. here are some of the written feedback comments i got on my pecha kucha presentation. 

many people gave their own suggestions for feedback as I've been told to expand and add more details on each slide and that i needed to speak louder.  some of the feedback said that i was good at getting my ideas across and that my information was interesting. overall i should focus on improving how i present things to people as most of my feedback was on speaking more clearly and paying attention to the audience along with the general opinion of my presentation being positive as no one seemed disinterested in my ideas and the feedback all gives good and critical comments. 

some feedback claimed it was a well-planned presentation with good ideas and all the areas were covered. we all gave feedback to anyone who was presenting and i contributed by giving subtle but clear and good feedback on the other presentations of Pecha Kuchas by stating what i found interesting and mentioning any improvements. 

18/03/24 - 22/03/24:
this week i presented my Pecha Kucha to my class and started to finalize my research and got feedback on my experimentation to see what people thought of my ideas so i can finally move on to starting to create my website and posters hopefully by next week and after easter. i started to experiment on Wix to start deciding what im going to for my website so that i can continue with a solid basis later on when i finalize what will be on it. 

25/03/24 - 28/03/24:
this week i continued with any primary and secondary research i had to do for my FMP as i looked at websites that were similar to the type of style i wanted for my FMP website. i looked at the website for Headspace which perfectly uses fun-looking animated characters along with a simplistic style with serious messages to help those in need and i also looked at the Change 4 Life ad campaign as that also has a simple style and colorful characters conveying a serious message. I also helped with recording other people's pecha kucha presentations as well as making sure my one has been embedded into my blog and available for people to see.

Pecha Kucha Evaluation: 15/04/24
In my opinion, my pecha kucha could have had a few more slides since when seeing other pecha kulchas from my classmates there were some topics and questions that i didn't add along with the fact that the PowerPoint was only 18 slides so if i were to do it again i would try to add something extra on explaining what i will do with my project and maybe mentioning how im going document both the process of making my poster and my website. i also should've mentioned i wasn't going to use any copyrighted photos another thing i could've done with my Pecha Kucha has each slide be unique by giving it a signature style that is different from the last as the background is the same for each slide.  
I could've added more of what i might put on my website since i only had one slide showing two images that i would potentially use and i wish i had some more examples. 
I Forgot to mention anything to do with social media as i could implement social media links in my website and mention that on my poster as one of the slogans for it.

15/04/24 - 19/04/24: 
I started to create and personalize my website, added pictures to make it more like my own project, and added information on the About page and Services page. I also started to think about what to do for my posters and how they will be one of the main selling points of my FMP, especially being all over my website. i made sure to add some more color to my website by changing the background of each column from white to a darkish purple and a rainbow assortment of colours along with moving around the text to make the layout more neat and focusing on finishing up both the about page and home page this week. hopefully, by next week i will be in the main production stage as i want to start creating the posters i will use for my FMP as i should start that along with continuing on my website which I've already started and currently making good progress with so far. 

22/04/24 - 26/04/24: 

This week I have made more progress on my website by adding pictures and some posters to the different pages on my site along with making some posters in Photoshop that i will use for the final product. so far i am moving steadily ahead with my FMP and i should be able to get to finalizing my website by next week then i can focus on making some more posters for it. the posters I have made have come from Photoshop and I have made them both unique whilst relating to the theme of identity and including diversity and my FMP.
I'm hoping by next week i can finish adding stuff to each page of my website so that it is unique to my theme so i can then focus on making more posters and putting the finishing touches to my website. 

This week the progress i have made has been exceptional however i think i should m, make sure to add some more primary research on my project as that was what was missing when i got my interim report. i want to make sure everything has been done to the best of my abilities and I'm thinking of making a few more posters for my FMp so i can really showcase what i can do with Photoshop. i also asked for feedback on my work so far and i got some good responses and i have taken that as primary research. i want to finalize my website by next week so i can start adding anything extra and checking for legibility or any other things i may have missed. 

08/05/24 - 10/05/24:
so far my FMP has been going very well as this week I'm hoping to finalize and start to get into the evaluation stage of looking and checking my work for any faults and adding any extra context or research and extra information to my bibliography. I'm hoping that when i finish with my FMP that i won't have much left to do so i can focus on getting immediate feedback that i can add for context on my reflection and thoughts along with the opinions of my peers on what i have made. 
This week i have been moving steadily along with my FMP and i am close to completion as i have another poster or two that i want to make and so far my website is nearly complete. i have made one more poster and I'm hoping to start evaluating it next week and finishing my project by adding any extra context or research necessary. 

13/05/24 - 17/05/24:
this week i am nearly finished with my FMP and I'm ready to start evaluating what I've created and the final product of my FMP. I'm hoping by next week I will have everything complete and I will be able to finish everything on time. I've been checking legibility this week as some of the text on my website has been hard to read because of the specific font and color i used for the text which is why that's one of the main things i have changed this week on my website. 
Since i am near completion i am really happy with how my posters turned out as i used all original images from our trip from Westminster Uni which has definitely helped with keeping everything original and all made by me which was a really great choice by me to do so. 
i also want to reflect on the legibility of my posters and website with the text in particular being the main issue I've fixed this week as much of the text looked unreadable due to the specific font and colour that i had used for it. 

Feedback on my Website as a whole: 17/05/24
Now that my FMP is nearly complete i want to make sure i get feedback so i can evaluate what i have made can see if there's anything i need to improve or change. 

The feedback i have received from my peers has been both positive and critical as i have some feedback from my classmates and a few responses came from students from another course with different viewpoints and opinions. 
most of the responses from my form came from my classmates who all gave me good criticism. i asked for what the best poster was, what everyone thought of my logo, what part of my website looked the best, the overall opinion of my website, and what they would rate my project out of 10. 
there was a difference in opinions between the students from my course and the games course as the games students responded to my form by saying that my logo was confusing and didn't make sense along with the general opinion being that it was confusing and hard to understand what the purpose and selling point for it was. with this info, i feel it's best to address that the logo for my project could've been something else and a lot better in my opinion as trying to replicate an infinity sign was a bit tricky in Photoshop along with trying to make something that could relate to the theme of identity. thankfully I'm happy that I've been given feedback that was critical and positive as it allows me to pinpoint any faults with my FMP along with making sure i try to appeal to everyone even if they don't quite understand my project. 

In my opinion, i tried my best with my website and posters with the theme of identity however some parts are better than others since some parts of my website could've been better or could be improved before the deadline along with maybe changing the logo and maybe making one more poster detailing what my projects company is all about to give context to the uninitiated. I'm very happy with how my posters came out and I'm glad I found a simple way to use all original images to fill up my website and to give my posters interesting styles with certain people from my course being used to showcase the diversity of the company I've made for my website and posters.

Final evaluation of my media production: 22/05/24
My initial concept and idea for my project was to do a website and a poster and for it to be a service linked to identity rather than be a company that sells products. In making my final project I wanted it to be similar to companies like Headspace for tackling topics everyone experiences and giving people a helpful service for them to use when they need it. that's why I chose to have my Project be about shaping young people's identities with posters that boost people's moods and a website with helpful information and guides on how to shape an identity for yourself. the original idea was to have older and wiser public speakers be the main focus as they would pass on knowledge and advice to young people so they could feel like they associate themselves with that person's identity along with finding their own. I wanted to make sure this project would be relevant to the theme and audience since my demographic for this project is teens and young adults going through tough times and not knowing who they want to be and what they want to do. I have definitely found that graphic design using Photoshop to make posters has been really interesting and a good strength of mine when doing this project. 

For my research, i looked up similar websites and ad campaigns such as Headspace and Change 4 Life as that was my main inspiration for my project by having a simple style but delivering a serious message on fun detailed posters which is what my secondary research was about and my primary research was focusing on specific terms related to identity and looking at creative designers and their artworks for some inspiration. I was able to manage my time well and I'm sure everything has been completed to the best of my abilities on time. When asking for feedback from my demographic audience my Project was given mixed opinions, most people liked what I had made and each gave what they liked and what they thought could've been improved. I attracted my audience by giving them feedback forms to do that were showcasing my website's posters and the overall theme and asking them for their opinions on it. My project connects to media theories by fulfilling personal identity and information/education since my project is a company that is available to teens and young adults who are looking to discover their true identity. I've also catered towards social interaction as I've gotten feedback from others which has got them thinking and talking about how they feel about my project.

The range of technologies i used was mostly Photoshop and Wix and i have definitely improved on my skills from before as I've learned many new and interesting Photoshop techniques on how to make images look more appealing and cool. I've also been able to improve the layout and presentation of my website by using wix.com to build my website. I also wanted my project to raise awareness for any neurodivergent people as originally my logo was an infinity sign however I wanted my project to have a social impact so that anyone who sees it will understand that my service and idea are all about diversity and helping anyone and everyone find an identity for themselves and helping them shape their futures since we are there for people who we understand what they are going through. In conclusion, my project doesn't fully match with my original idea however i was able to implement the same concept of it being a service for young people to use and that the posters would be easily recognizable like mental health posters on bus stops or underground stations. If i had more time i would've liked to improve the legibility on each poster and i would make sure to maybe make one more poster giving context to the uninitiated on what my project is all about.  id say some of the legibility was unsuccessful as some of my posters had unreadible text with bad colour choices and font that clashed with the background of my images. the feedback from my audience tells me that my project is vibrant and colorful but doesn't have a clear message to explain what my project is about.

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